wire ... metal ... fibre .... unique handcrafted jewelry and accessories for men and women

Friday, April 26, 2013

fibre friday: save Capilano Studio Arts and textile Program!

wire and fibre flower ring: blue anemone

Facing over $1 million in provincial funding cuts, Capilano University has made the sudden and shocking decision to cut its Studio Arts and Textile Arts programs almost immediately. Teachers and students were warned this week that their classes would not continue, although those already enrolled in two-year courses should be able to complete.

Arts and creativity is an easy thing to cut. It doesn't make anything productive; it's not associated with great wealth generation; apparently anyone can do it, and how exactly does it benefit society? If you're the average person on the street, then this probably mirrors your opinion of funding arts and artists with public funds. However, if you stop and think, then take a look around you, you'll see just how much art impacts your daily life.

Those little icons on the elevator panel, the visual instructions on a wrapper, the font and layout of the timetable you're reading - all created initially by an artistic human being.

The cute designs on clothing you pick out for your kid, or even the packaging it comes home in ...
The upholstery for your tush on transit ...
Amazing infograms, explanatory visuals, display signage at the museum, emergency exits, stores ...
This jar of strawberry jam or another one?
Where do I put my ticket?
Which way do I run to get out quickly?

Art is everywhere, and by cutting down on exposure to learning and development in the subject, we're cutting down on the usability of our world and stunting our human experience.

Remember that amazing Winter Olympics Opening spectacle? when we welcomed the world to our city, showing what we were capable of?
Now try re-imagining it without the art -would it inspire you to visit Vancouver?

Please sign the petition and add your creative voice to the debate.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

studio portrait thursday: glimpse

glimpse, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

A photograph of a computer keyboard isn't very inspiring, but it's where I'm doing most of my creating these days.

Likewise, the inside of my head doesn't look inspiring and it's difficult to image without advanced technology.

But my keyboard and my head are where most of the studio work takes place these days.

After a haphazard April I'm looking forward to settling into some kind of a rhythm of productivity for May. Looking back, it seems I've wasted vast amounts of time. If I cut myself some slack, I've been gently moving forward.

Meanwhile, don't forget to sniff the flowers ... or at least notice them.

Happy creativity!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

wordless wednesday: design elegance - an aspiration

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Octopus, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Digital sketch before heading off to bed. Sweet dreams everyone!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

studio portrait thursday: tester

swirls, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Trying out some new oilbars on canvas paper. Mmmmm - I like the result. Creamy buttery soft and mixable, these super-crayons take a few days to dry meaning that art can be tinkered with in passing. Unlike oil pastels, the result is eventually dry to the touch and permanent.

Here I've used the crayon bar, a brush, cotton buds and other sponges to smear, daub and blend. It's a very interactive process.

Only two colours were needed to make the blends above but already I want to add to my collection.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

wordless wednesday: classroom in a book

learning all about brushes

digital illustration (Adobe Illustrator)

Monday, April 15, 2013

life is rarely black and white

cherry blossoms, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Some soothing greens to look at.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

wip: some text

on the bench, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Found this quote - it makes a lot of sense.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

#51 – Amanda Maxwell, Vancouver, Canada

from Laura Bucci's blog on the exhibition she is curating - if i can submit a piece, then you can too!

#51 – Amanda Maxwell, Vancouver, Canada:
#51 - Amanda Maxwell, Vancouver, Canada
“lowest ebb” | when I’m at my lowest ebb I know that the only way now is up–this is where I go! | oil pastel, watercolour, acrylic and mixed media

Filed under: All Participants, Canada Tagged: canada, correspondence art, mail art, postal art, Vancouver

Thursday, April 4, 2013

studio portrait thursday: carousel horse breaks free

After the excitement of Spring Break, a practicum at SFU's Beedie School of Business and completion (successful, I hope but Continuing Studies is rather sluggish with communications despite the high fees paid for the course) of a Digital Communications certificate, the studio is well and truly back at the bench.

With no clear plan either.

Apart from a general mandate to apply for jobs, I don't have much creative direction and need some projects to keep me busy.

Last night I whipped out my sketch book, grabbed a pencil and captured an image from the screen in front of me.

It felt good - the rough scribe of 2B on smooth 98lb Canson. Carousel horse breaks free.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

wordless wednesday: mail art

on the bench, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring is indeed springing!

Spring is indeed springing!:
photo credit: Sarah Ronald
Spring is indeed springing, even here in the gift shop.
In fact, come on down before we’re so overgrown that the door won’t open.
The weather, as you know, has been so damp yet sunny recently that our cosy gift shop has taken on the appearance of a greenhouse. Paper artist Joan Marr’s handmade paper cards have seized the moment, and the seedcases she uses to add texture are sprouting luxuriantly.

Although we've seen paper with seeds offered as grow-your-own cards, this is the first time we've witnessed our own stock taking root from their envelopes to our shelves.
Spring is definitely sprung, especially today April 1st ;)
BAS March
detail from handmade paper by Joan Marr

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