wire ... metal ... fibre .... unique handcrafted jewelry and accessories for men and women

Thursday, September 9, 2010

WIP: wire and fibre collar detail

wire and fibre collar, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

This is today's WIP (there's a video of some of the needle felting in progrees over here) and it's still not finished. Along with some wire crochet panels and a wire spool knit, all are destined for the Place des Arts open days I'll be demo'ing during, this evening and on Saturday afternoon.
The WIPs are a taster of what happens in my wire crochet and fibre classes. There'll be some fun hands-on stuff too as well as examples of class projects.

OK, the needlefelting is part of a planned wire and fibre 2 workshop proposal but I wanted to sneak it in here :)

See you this evening!

demo prep

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