Before I forget to blow my own trumpet (and because I don't have anything wordless and pretty for today's post), a blast from the past - the twelve days of Christmas (click the link for all the verses; hint - scroll down past the valentine's post) in all their poetic glory (from my posts for the gift shop).

(can you feel the tension mounting?)
... my true love (yes, i still love him, even though he spends every spare minute shopping at the gift shop) gave to me,
Twelve glassy magnets (not sure if the fridge door is big enough but they'll make awesome stocking stuffers for the kids),
Eleven finely woven mufflers (a matching one for every outfit, whee!),
Ten by three (which makes thirty - go on, count them) expertly applied lines of paint in a very pleasing arrangement plus a light house,
Nine sparkling glass stars (i think they're snowflakes but i hate to disagree openly with my true love at this stage in the festivities),
Eight jolly vintage buttons (i've picked my favourite and the rest are for the christmas dinner napkins),
Seven steamin' stompin' haulin' vroomin' road trucks (guaranteeing a quiet afternoon with the nephews),
Six upstanding and tranquil-looking fence posts (new year's resolution - hike more!),
Five wooden urns (they're vases)!
Four dotty spotty cups (would make great wine beakers),
Three orcas swimming on by (ah, summer holidays),
A cute penguin couple (awwww!),
and that origami peace crane still hanging out peacefully in the fir tree.
Now that's Christmas! (that was christmas)