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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

pasta and garlic mushrooms in feta cream sauce part 2

A quick blogpost at the start of the day ....... about the end of my day yesterday.

Sometimes a day just isn't long enough and before you know it, dinner time is rolling around once more to disturb you from whatever crafty vibe you got going in amongst all the family stuff.

Aaargh! What shall I cook?

Well, let me rescue you - pasta, cream, mushrooms, olive oil/butter, feta cheese (or cream cheese), garlic or other herb/flavouring, parsley, parmesan, water

1. Boil the pasta in the water.
2. Fry the mushrooms in garlic and olive oil/butter.
3. Crumble the feta cheese.
4. Drain the pasta then return to a gentle heat with cream (enough to form a puddle round the pasta). Stir.
5. Crumble the feta into the cream and pasta. Stir until melted.
6. Add the mushrooms and stir.
7. Serve with a garnish of freshly grated Parmesan and chopped parsley.

Bon appetit!

Thanks to Jodie of Meringue there is also a photo set of the meal in preparation.

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